29 Nov 2010

Steak Tempe

Bahan A :
- 250 gr tempe
- 50 gr proteina halus
- 100 gr tepung roti
- 1 sdt garam halus
- 1 sdt gula
- 1 sdt merica
- 2 sdt oregano
- 1 sdm tepung kanji

Bahan B :
- 10 batang buncis
- 1 buah wortel
- 2 buah kentang

Saus :
- 5 sdm tomat
- 2 biji tomat halus
- 2 sdm gula pasir
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 1 sdt mustrard vegetarian
Air putih secukupnya


- Kukus tempe selama +/- 20 menit kemudian haluskan
- Rendam proteina +- 10 menit, cuci yang bersih
- Campur semua bahan A menjadi Satu
- Bentuk Adonan menjadi buatan pipih dengan tebal +/- 1 cm
- Kukus selama 20 menit
- Oven sampai warnanya keemasan
- Kupas bahan B potong sesuai selera, rebus sampai matang
- Untuk saus didihkan air masukkan tomat yang sudah dicincang, masak sampai tomatnya matang baru dimasukkan semua bahan saus.
- Aduk sampai kental

Resep oleh Resep Oleh IVS Semarang - RM Vegetarian Karuna
Dicopas dari broadcast Lian Xia Jin

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From Me

New Vegetarian Planet is dedicated to promote understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles either from aspecs of spiritual, ethics, health, environment et cetera. May be copied only for personal use or by not-for-profit organizations. All copied and reprinted material written by me must contain weblog link http://www.newvegeplanet.blogspot.com
Finally, I hope more people will understand the reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life. Come on to hold hands, we struggle for the safety of humans, animals, and this beloved earth through vegetarianism.
Best regards Liliyana Waty