23 Oct 2010

Launching Meat Free Monday in Makassar

Hosts: Indonesia Vegetarian Society of Makassar

Time and Place


Sat Oct 30 at 7:00 pm until
Sun Oct 31 at 3:00 pm

Venue: GTC Tanjung Bunga


Meat Free Monday (MFM) atau Senin Tanpa Daging merupakan suatu gerakan yang mengajak semua orang untuk tidak makan daging setiap hari Senin. Gerakan ini telah mendunia. Untuk Makassar sendiri, IVS (Indonesia Vegetarian Society) DPC Makassar akan mengadakan launching MFM di GTC Tanjung Bunga dengan susunan acara sbb:

Tgl 30 Oktober 2010 jam 7pm - 10pm:

- Launching MFM
- Penampilan spektakuler tarian semesta by INLA (International Nature Loving Association)
- Door price

Tgl 31 Oktober 2010 jam 10am - 3pm:

- Bazaar
- Parade ank2 veggie
- Expo mknan vege
- Talkshow oleh Ibu Helda Sembiring
- Presentasi
- Demo Masak
- Hiburan

.....and many more...........

Mari berpartisipasi dalam acara ini. Don't miss it!
Go Veggie............!!!

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From Me

New Vegetarian Planet is dedicated to promote understanding and respect for vegetarian lifestyles either from aspecs of spiritual, ethics, health, environment et cetera. May be copied only for personal use or by not-for-profit organizations. All copied and reprinted material written by me must contain weblog link http://www.newvegeplanet.blogspot.com
Finally, I hope more people will understand the reasons for choosing a vegetarian way of life. Come on to hold hands, we struggle for the safety of humans, animals, and this beloved earth through vegetarianism.
Best regards Liliyana Waty